Learning reflections

What is your long term goal and or career pathway?

Long term goal for me is to become a successful full stack developer and have an overall successful career in the IT industry. And if I could integrate these skills into my other passion for aviation that would be fantastic.

What skills (non-technical - human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at EDA?

I would like to learn how look inward better and make sure that I accurately communicate my feeling as part of larger team.

A description of your own strengths and limitations

As discussed in my Sprint 1 blog my strengths are that I am a very eager and quick learner and I generally pick things up fairly quickly.
One of my limitations is that sometimes I can get distracted and veer off task rather than getting the work that needs to be done. This means that once I am back on task, I often need to work harder to make up for the time that I lost.

Based on the above description, a commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme. This should include - an explanation of how you will manage yourself to work productively and safely with other learners, facilitators and industry/community representatives.

My goal for foundations is to lay a healthy groundwork for my time during bootcamp. As I have some background knowledge with computers and a little with coding I can work at a reasonably comfortable pace. However, I strive to put in the hours required everyday as this will get me into a routine for the much busier and tougher bootcamp. I also make sure that I do take sufficient breaks and go for a walk on the beach when I can.

A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way.

First, I would do some research and try and come up with an answer myself, if I am still struggling after this, I will ask my peers or facilitator.

A description of what you expect from the facilitation team

I expect them to be helpful and understanding of everyone's skill level however I also expect them to make us find our own way whenever possible. Simply giving out the answers will not help us in the long run. So, I expect them to be supportive and help us lay our foundations.

Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things. For example, you might have whanau commitments such as school drop-offs. It’s important to plan these in.

Luckily, I have very few commitments at the moment and the commitments I do have are very flexible. This means I can give my full attention to the course.